INPUT:OUTPUT's Law - Lesson 2

2022. 11. 2. 23:32General

Previous Story:

As you'll know if you've read it, it's mostly my-own-thought. If you empty your brain while reading this, and get at least a good sentence or content, this article is a successful.

It's to boring to  find the IOR (Input Output Rate) of celebrities.
Let me tell you again about the ideal IOR as a warm-up.

In fact, most beginners follow the IOI pattern of 1. Learn (Input) 2. Apply (Output) 3. Receive feedback (Input) when learning a chapter.
Accordingly, I, I, O = 2:1 becomes an IOR and becomes a typical IOR. It's easy for anyone to think of.
Then, when time passes, "The first thing I learned" becomes too far away/
Only application (O) and feedback (I) remain within the chapter.

For example, if you play tennis, everyone learns posture and stroke techniques at first. However, as their skills increase, they play with various people, apply (O) the skills they learned there, get feedback (I) from the results of the game, and repeat them to increase their skills. After that, as everyone knows, there comes a time when your skills do not improve from some day. = Slump (Ordinary people fall into slump, ofc. However, it stays for a long time or forever)
I think this is the period when there is only Output, and no longer accept new inputs, or feedback. (I couldn't argue this correct because I'm not a tennis master. It's just a spectulative view of tennis) Maybe opponents' level are at the level where they cannot give feedback to us, or we no longer have the will to learn; our skills will eventually converge or decrease with loss of memory.
Professionals receive feedback from top-class players about all their outputs, games, so they can maintain and even develop superhuman levels of performance for a long time.

In the end, looking at it macroscopically, it can be seen that the most ideal IOR is 1:1 after a long time. We're not talking about what we're going to do once or for a few weeks. We are talking about your own important activities that you really want to be professional throughout your life.  For example making money, reading books, making movies or programming. So time is right to go on a minimum of years. Anyway, at first, the input is bound to be larger than the output, but when you look at it from a macro perspective, the output is gradually increased, but when the output is too high, the input is increased, and the words are increasingly gibberish but understand me hehe. In conclusion, rather than simply doing a lot of things, my conclusion is that we need to consciously set the 1:1 ratio (or unconsciously = talent) like our body's homeostasis to become professional.

Now let's take a look at the celebrities as originally planned.

I don't know the keyword first.
Read and Write? Input and Output? Famous people who talked about reading and writing? Input and Output Law?

E.g there are people who praise the beauty of ouput.

On the other hand there are crowds of people who praise the input activities.


However, I had never seen a person who assert that we should manage our Input Output Ratio.

Ok, I failed to find some examples by celebrities. If you have any keyword or clue to find these, leave a comment or contact me with any method.




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